Jeff Schroeder did not do half of these houseguests any justice. I just watched Queen Ika's (BBCAN2&5) interviews and a few of these players have me second guessing everything. I'll link all of the interviews with her below under the contestants names with my updated thoughts. Holly Allen I still feel about the same as I did after her first interview about Holly. Ika brought out more of her personality, but it seems like she is still very new to the BB world and has limited knowledge. Predictions:
David Alexander David is a charmer! He really opened up in his second interview and made me a believer in his game. He even cried on command! I think he moved up from middle of the pack to a Top 6 houseguest to me. Predictions:
Nicole Anthony Nicole gave me really strong gamer vibes in her first interview with Jeff, but with Ika she seems like she will be an obvious target early. She game me Christine (BB16) vibes and we all know how that turned out. She has a decent strategy, but I can see her aligning with weak players that can't keep her safe should she be in trouble early. Predictions:
Tommy Bracco I still love Tommy! He's tied for my favorite at this point! I have exactly the same thoughts as I did after the Jeff interview. I have heard through the rumor mill that he may be connected to another houseguest. The word is that Christie has dated Tommy's aunt. This should be fun to see how it pans out if the rumor is true. Predictions:
Kathryn Dunn My opinion of Kathryn has completely flipped. I actually really have confidence in her game now. It came up that she has definitely seen the show and she spoke about BB20 as well as Janelle (BB6,7&14). I think she will go really far if her strong personality doesn't rub people the wrong way. Ika really brought out her personality and I got way less socialite vibes and during this interview. Predictions:
Kemi Faknule I still really like Kemi and her personality is great! She will get along with the girls really well and I think the men will be gunning for her should she find herself on the block. I see her as one of 3-4 women that work together in the house. Predictions:
Jessica Milagros No opinion change on Jessica. I still pin her as a strong social threat that everyone will think is a loyal and trustworthy ally. I don't think Jessica will be in a huge alliance. She'll be loyal to a few people and fit in well with everyone. I think this keeps her safe deep into the game. Predictions:
Cliff Hogg III Still feel like Cliff is a scholar of the game. If he is too forthcoming with that information he will be out quickly. I think if he sticks around long enough he'll be one to stab a huge player in the back and send them packing. I predict he gets the house to throw him the first HOH and putting an unnecessary target on his back early. Predictions:
Ovi Kabir Ovi for the win! This guys is a superfan with a ton of game knowledge. He's likable and will appear super trustworthy to all sides of the house. I still believe he is going to play a similar game to Ian (BB14) and I believe his chance to win is near the top! Predictions:
Nick Maccarone Are we still confused about who Nick really is? He's a therapist and that's going to pay dividends for his game. I'll bet he is a great listener who will use other peoples information and emotions to get what he wants to further his game. He'll get along with the guys and may align himself with a few of the men in the house. Predictions:
Jack Matthews Huge shift in opinion about this guy. He's definitely not Tyler (BB20), but I do get Fessy (BB20) vibes. He's going to trust the wrong people and this will lead to his demise. I can also see him in a showmance and that making him an early target. Predictions:
Jackson Michie Still a bro. Still an alpha male. Still going to be targeted the whole game long like Cody (BB19). There isn't much else to say about him. He is a long time fan, but that is going to get him in trouble. He knows too much about that game and it will make in paranoid. Predictions:
Christie Murphy My opinion of her has changed in her favor. I do think she is very spiritual, but there are more layers to her than just that. She has a strong personality, but she seems able to hold her own. I like her chances if she teams up with the strongest alliance in the house. She will fare well in competitions, but she doesn't seem extremely physical. Like I mentioned in Tommy's update, it's been said that she's dated his aunt and they may know each other. Depending on how truthful that rumor is, that could really shake up the game. Bad blood is fun to watch, but terrible for a players game. Predictions:
Sam Smith My opinion of who Sam will clash with has changed. I think it will be the whole house and Jackson will be the ringleader. He's got a huge personality, but it's too big. He's going to struggle at comps and will find himself on the block early. Unless he can make friends quickly, he's evicted right out the gate. Predictions:
Analyse Talavera This girl is Jessica Graf 2.0 (BB19). She's going to be confrontational and make enemies, but her mental and physical strength will keep her safe. Safe to say that she will catch the single guys eyes and there's a strong possibility of a showmance. I look for her to win comps and align herself with others who win as well. Predictions:
Isabella Wang I think I was totally wrong about Isabella. She seemed like a strong force to be reckoned with during her first interview, but it is clear that she has limited game knowledge with a very happy to lucky attitude. She'll be an easy pawn if she doesn't take the game as serious as these other houseguests. I think she will be "friends" with everyone, but backstabbed when it comes time to vote. Predictions:
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